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Поделиться82019-03-22 23:30:48
Код:/************************************************************ A - codes by êëåâåð **************************************************************/ /* A1 Import the colour scheme -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* A1.1 */ @import url(style_cs.css); @font-face {font-family: AleksandraC; src: local("AleksandraC"), url(http://forumstatic.ru/files/0017/9e/82/97804.ttf);} @font-face {font-family: Marck Script; src: local("Marck Script"), url(http://forumstatic.ru/files/0017/9e/82/58293.ttf);} @font-face {font-family: Intro; src: local("Intro"), url(http://forumstatic.ru/files/0017/9e/82/40606.otf);} @font-face {font-family: Playfair Display; src: local("Playfair Display"), url(http://forumstatic.ru/files/0017/9e/82/81546.ttf);} @font-face {font-family: bebasneue; src: local("bebasneue"), url(http://forumstatic.ru/files/0017/9e/82/63842.otf);} @font-face {font-family: Montez; src: local("Montez"), url(http://forumstatic.ru/files/0017/9e/82/56957.ttf);} @font-face {font-family: Bad Script; 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text-align: center; width: 30%; font-family: 'Playfair Display'; font-size: 12px; } /* C2.4 */ #pun-userlist .main .tcl, #pun-searchtopics .main .tcl, #pun-modviewforum .main .tcl { width: 40% } /* C2.5 */ #pun-userlist .main .tc2, #pun-searchtopics .main .tc2 { text-align: left; width: 20%; } /* C2.6 */ #pun-debug table .tcl { width: 15%; white-space:normal; } /* C2.7 */ #pun-debug .tcr { width: 90%; white-space: normal; } /* C2.8 */ #pun-index .tcl h3 { text-align: center; letter-spacing: 0.1em; margin-top: -1px; padding-bottom: 5px; } /* C2.9 */ .punbb td span.youposted { font-weight: bold; margin-left: -1em; position: absolute; } /* C2.10 */ .punbb td .modlist { display: block; padding-top: 0.3em } /* C2.11 */ .punbb .main td { border: none; } /* C2.12 */ .punbb .main th { padding: 6px 1em 6px 1em; border: none; } /* C2.13 */ .punbb .main .tcl { border-left-style: none; border-left-width: 0; } /* C2.14 */ .punbb td div.tclcon { margin-left: 5px; } /* C2.15 */ .punbb div.icon { float: left; display: block; } /* C3 Topics -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* C3.1 */ .punbb .post .container { margin-top: -1px; padding-bottom: 1px; border-style: none solid solid solid; } /* C3.2 */ .punbb .post h3 { } /* C3.3 */ .punbb .post h3 span { display: block; } /* C3.4 */ .punbb .post h3 strong { float: right; width: 5em; /* text-align: right; */ font-weight: bold; margin-top: 43px !important; font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; color: #846f56 !important; margin-left: -50px; } /* C3.5 */ .punbb .post .post-author { float: left; width: 258px; margin-left: -61px; } /* C3.6 */ .punbb .post .post-author ul, .punbb .post .post-author p { padding: 0 1em 1em 1em; line-height: 140%; } /* C3.7 */ .pa-author { font-size: 1.1em; } /* C3.8 */ .pa-author a { text-decoration: none } /* C3.9 */ li.pa-title { padding-bottom: 0.4em; } li.pa-online { line-height: 0.8em; padding-left: 0.4em; margin-top: 0.7em; } /* C3.11 */ .punbb .post-body { margin-left: 18.9em; border-left-style: solid; border-left-width: 1px; padding: 0 0 0px 0; text-align: justify; } /* C3.12 */ .punbb .post-box { } /*C3.13 */ .punbb fieldset .post-box { margin-bottom: 0.8em } /* C3.14 */ .punbb .post-links { margin-left: 19em; border-left-style: solid; border-left-width: 1px; } /* C3.15 */ .punbb .post-links ul { padding: 0.3em 1.3em 0 0; height: 3em; line-height: 2em; margin-left: -19em; text-align: right; background: url("") no-repeat center; } /* C3.16 */ .punbb .post-links li { display: inline; padding-left: 1em;padding-top: 10px; } /* C3.17 */ .pl-email, .pl-website { float: left; } /* C3.18 */ .punbb .clearer { clear: both; height: 0; font-size: 0; } /* C4 Moderator menu -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* C4.1 */ .punbb .modmenu .container { padding: 0.5em 1em; text-align: right; } /* C4.2 */ .punbb .modmenu strong, .punbb .modmenu a { height: 2.8em; line-height: 1.8em; } /* C4.3 */ .punbb .modmenu .container strong { float: left; font-weight: normal; } /* C4.4 */ .punbb .modmenu input { margin-left: 1em; } /* C5 Message boxes -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* C5.1 */ .punbb .info .container { padding: 0.8em 1em } /* C5.2 */ .punbb .info .container .backlink { padding-top: 0.8em; } /* C6 Profile -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* C6.1 */ #profile .container { padding-left: 18.6em; } /* C6.2 */ #profilenav { float: left; width: 14em; margin-left: -16.3em; display: inline; } /* C6.3 */ #profilenav li { padding-bottom: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; } /* C6.4 */ #viewprofile ul, #profilenav ul { border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; padding: 1.5em 18px 0.8em 18px; margin: 0 0 1em 0; } /* C6.5 */ #viewprofile h2, #profilenav h2 { background: transparent; border: none; padding: 0 0 0 0; margin: 0 14px -0.6em 14px; } /* C6.6 */ #viewprofile h2 span, #profilenav h2 span { padding: 0 5px; position: relative; } /* C6.7 */ #viewprofile li, #setmods dl { padding: 0 0 0 16em; margin-bottom: 0.2em; } /* C6.8 */ #viewprofile li span { float: left; width: 14em; margin-left: -16em; padding: 0.5em 1em; font-weight: bold; } /*C6.9 */ #setmods dt { float: left; width: 14em; margin-left: -16em; padding: 0.8em 1em; font-weight: bold; display: inline; } /* C6.10 */ #viewprofile li strong, #viewprofile li div, #setmods dd { display: block; padding: 0.5em 1em; font-weight: normal; } /* C6.11 */ .punbb img.avatardemo { float: right; margin: 0 0 0.8em 1.8em } /* C7 User list -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* C7.1 */ #pun-userlist .formal, #pun-userlist .formal .container { border-bottom: none; margin-bottom: 0; } /* C7.2 */ #pun-userlist .usertable .container { padding: 0 2.3em 2.3em 2.3em; border-top: none; } /* C7.3 */ #pun-userlist .usertable table { border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; } /************************************************************* D - PUNBB SECTIONS OTHER THAN MAIN CONTENT **************************************************************/ /* D1 Logo and description -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* D1.1 */ #pun-title { margin: 0; height: 515px; } /* D1.2 */ #pun-title h1 { display : block; } /* D1.3 */ #pun-title .container { border-style: none ; padding: 0.2em 1em 0.8em 1em; } /* D1.4 */ #pun-title h1 span { display: none; } #pun-title TABLE { border: none; width: 100%; } #pun-title TD.title-logo-tdl { border: none; } #pun-title td.title-logo-tdr{ border: none ; display:block!important; position:absolute!important; z-index:100; height:60px!important; padding-left:0px!important; width:468px!important; left:50%!important; padding-top:0px!important; z-index: 1 !important; } /* D2 Page navigation -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* D2.1 */ #pun-pagelinks { position: absolute; top: -5px; left: 0; margin: 0; border: none; padding: 0; width: 100%; } /* D2.2 */ #pun-pagelinks .container { background: transparent; border: none; padding: 0} /* D2.3 */ #pun-pagelinks .container li { display: inline } /* D2.4 */ #pun-pagelinks li a, #pun-pagelinks a:link, #pun-pagelinks a:hover { padding: 0; margin-left: -9999px; display: block; float:left; width: 100%; } /* D2.5 */ #pun-pagelinks a:active, #pun-pagelinks a:focus { position:relative; margin: 0; } #pun-pagelinks li a span { display:block; margin: 0 1em } /* D3 Forum navigation -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* D3.1 */ #pun-navlinks, #pun-navlinks .container { border-style: none; border-width: 0; z-index: 2000; } /* D3.2 */ #pun-navlinks .container { width: 100%; margin-top: 2px; text-align: center; z-index: 2000 !important; margin-left: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; } /* D.3 */ #pun-navlinks li { display: inline; padding-right: 0.3em; } /* D3.4 */ #pun-navlinks li a { font-family: playfair display !important; font-size: 14px !important; font-weight: lighter !important; margin-top: 38px; font-variant: small-caps; color: rgb(46, 51, 4) !important; background-clip: text !important; -webkit-background-clip: text !important; -moz-background-clip: text !important; -o-background-clip: text !important; } #pun-navlinks li a:hover { color: #5c5842 !important;} /* D4 User links -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* D4.1 */ #pun-ulinks { margin-top: 11px; text-align: center; } /* D4.2 */ #pun-ulinks container { } /* D4.3 */ #pun-ulinks li, #pun-ulinks li a { display: inline; border-left-style: solid; border-left-width: 1px; white-space: nowrap; } /* D4.4 */ #pun-ulinks li a { } /* D4.5 */ #pun-ulinks li.item1, #pun-ulinks li.item1 a { border-left-style: none; border-left-width: 0; padding-left: 0 } /* D5 Welcome box and Top Breadcrumbs by klever -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* D5.1 */ #pun-status, #pun-status .container { border-bottom: none; margin-bottom: 0; } /* D5.2 */ #pun-status .container { /* padding: 0.8em 1em 0em 0em; */ } /* D5.3 */ #pun-status span { white-space: nowrap; margin-right: 0.5em; } /* D5.4 */ #pun-crumbs1 { font-weight: bold; overflow: hidden; margin-top: 0; } /* D5.5 */ #pun-crumbs1 p.container { border-top: none; padding: 3em 2em 0.8em 1em; } /* D5.6 */ #pun-break1 { margin: 0 1em; border-style: solid none; border-width: 1px 0; height: 0; margin: -2px 1em; position: relative; z-index: 1; } /* D6 Announcement -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* D6.1 */ #pun-announcement h2 { padding: 0; margin: 0 1em -3.5em 1em; border-style: none none solid none; border-width: 0 0 1px 0; position: center; font-weight: bold; } /* D6.2 */ #pun-announcement h2 span { display: block; padding: 1em 0 0.8em 0; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px; } /* D6.3 */ #pun-announcement .container { padding: 4.3em 1em 1em 1em; } /* D7 Statistics -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* D7.1 */ #pun-stats .container { padding: 0.8em 1em } /* D7.2 */ #pun-stats li.item1, #pun-stats li.item2 { float: left; clear: both; line-height: 150%; } /* D7.3 */ #pun-stats li.item3, #pun-stats li.item4 { text-align: right; line-height: 150%; } /* D7.4 */ li#onlinelist { margin-top: 1em; 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position: relative; height: 0; z-index: 1; } /* D8.9 */ div.punbb-admin #pun-about .container { border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1px; } /* D9 Help file -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* D9.1 */ #pun-help .formal .info-box h3.legend { border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px; padding-bottom: 0; margin-bottom: 0.8em; } /* D9.2 */ #pun-help .formal .info-box h3.legend span { padding-bottom: 0.6em; display: block; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px; font-size: 1.1em; } /* D9.3 */ #pun-help .formal p, #pun-help .formal dd { margin-bottom: 1em } /* D9.4 */ #pun-help .formal ul, #pun-help .formal dl { padding: 0 0 0 1em } /* D9.5 */ #pun-help .formal li { padding: 0; line-height: 130% } /* D9.6 */ #pun-help .formal li * { vertical-align: text-top } #pun-index .tclcon { font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #828a56 !important; width: 493px; background: url(http://s9.uploads.ru/KnLrf.jpg) no-repeat top center, url(http://sg.uploads.ru/tDwHK.jpg) no-repeat bottom center, url(http://sg.uploads.ru/a7v4c.jpg) repeat-y center center; 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Поделиться92019-03-22 23:31:56
Код:li.pa-avatar { margin-left: 5px;} .button { background: #304011!important; /* background: url(http://forumstatic.ru/files/0017/77/5c/98321.png) repeat; */ */: ; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#32381b), to(#787f39)); /* border-radius: 3px; */ border: none; /* border-top: medium none; */ box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #b8afa1, 0 0 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.07) inset, 0 2px 2px -2px rgba(255,255,255,0.5) inset; color: #94886a !important; font-family: pt sans !important; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: 700 !important; margin-top: 5px !important; padding: 8px 15px 4px 15px !important; /* text-decoration: none; */ text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #361414; 14 */: ; transition: all 0.5s; ease-in-out 0s: ; /* vertical-align: middle; */ text-transform: uppercase; } .punbb .post h3 strong, #pun-viewtopic .post h3 span a, .linkst .postlink, #pun-main h1, .punbb .modmenu .container strong, #pun-crumbs2 .container, #pun-crumbs1 p.container, .linksb .pagelink, .subscribelink, .linksb .postlink, .punbb .post-links { font-size: 14px; 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